
Monday, March 21, 2011

Time to be big kids.

Hello to our dear, seven-or-so readers!

I've been busy attempting to get this site over to another site, but the new one is full of kinks, like strange, in-post font changes, bad color choices, and really ugly boxes around all of the imported photos. It's totally not living up to its potential.

Kind of like the house.

The rooms in the house are full of strange, in-room trim color changes, bad tile choices, and really ugly boxes that we have yet to unpack. I love it, but it's totally up to...its potential?

Okay, I'm having an epiphany here. I should be showing more photos of our not-so-perfect but still totally lovable home.

I should be using the big kid website already. It's been in existence for six weeks and running for two.

Go on, git! Don't come around here no more!

We've moved (dum dum da-dum!) to

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